Digital Marketing | E-Commerce | Direct to Consumer Brands
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The Because UTM feature is a powerful tool that dynamically adjusts website content based on UTM parameters from paid ad campaigns.

It allows for real-time personalization of the user experience, tailoring content, offers, and messaging to match the specific ad that brought the visitor to the site.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Why It Matters

Enhanced Relevance

By matching on-site content to ad messaging, you create a tailored, seamless user experience that stands out and reinforces the ad's call-to-action.

Improve Conversion Rate

Personalized experiences based on UTM data can significantly boost conversion rates by showing visitors exactly what they're looking for.

Better Ad Performance Insights

Granular tracking of how different UTM combinations perform on-site helps optimize ad spend (and ROAS) and campaign strategies.

How to install

How to install


  • Log into your Because dashboard in Shopify
  • Create your Because Campaign
  • Under “Display Rules” select “Site Visitor”


4.Define the UTM parameters you want to track:
  • utm_source (e.g., facebook, google, instagram)
  • utm_medium (e.g., cpc, display, social)
  • utm_campaign (e.g., summer_sale, new_product_launch)
  • utm_content (e.g., image_ad, video_ad)
  • utm_term (for search campaigns)


5.Set up content variations for each UTM combination:
  • Create dynamic headlines that reference the ad source or campaign
  • Craft tailored product recommendations based on campaign theme
  • Develop specific offers or discounts tied to UTM parameters
6.Review your Because Campaign in the Overview

STEP 7 (final step)

7.Test your setup using the preview mode:
  • Simulate different UTM combinations to ensure correct content display
  • Check mobile and desktop versions for responsiveness

Example utm campaigns

Facebook Dynamic Product Ad Campaign
  • Display the exact product from the ad prominently on the landing page
  • Show a carousel of complementary products
  • Include social proof specific to the product (e.g., "Over 500 sold this week!")
UTM: utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dynamic_product_ads
Instagram Story Ad for Summer Collection
  • Welcome message: "Welcome, Instagram follower! Check out our summer hits"
  • Display a lookbook featuring the summer collection
  • Offer a limited-time discount: "10% off for our Instagram friends - Today Only!"
UTM: utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=summer_collection&utm_content=story_ad
Google Search Campaign for "Eco-friendly Water Bottles"
  • Headline: "Eco-Friendly Water Bottles - As Seen on Google"
  • Feature a collection of eco-friendly water bottles at the top of the page
  • Display an "Eco-Impact" calculator showing plastic saved by using these bottles
UTM: utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=eco_bottles&utm_term=eco_friendly_water_bottles
Email Campaign for Loyal Customers
  • Personalized greeting using the customer's name
  • Display a "VIP Customer" badge on the page
  • Show exclusive products or early access items not available to regular visitors
UTM: utm_source=klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=loyal_customer_appreciation


Best Practices
Compliance and Privacy

Create. Test. Get Results.

Take the power back from your developer and make every piece of content on your site dynamic. Use the Because easy editor, playbooks, and rules to create messaging that increases revenue.

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