Learn exactly how to combine Klaviyo segments and messaging with Because to generate more revenue.

Segmentation is the foundation of effective marketing, especially in ecommerce. 

By understanding who your customers are and how they behave, you can deliver personalized experiences that resonate deeply, resulting in stronger engagement and higher conversions. 

Klaviyo, a robust email and SMS platform, enables brands to tap into vast amounts of customer data—ranging from browsing behavior to purchase history—and turn that data into actionable insights. 

Paired with dynamic on-site personalization tools like Because, brands can go beyond sending generic messages to delivering experiences that reflect each customer’s unique journey.

Understanding Data-Driven Segmentation: Why It Matters

Data-driven segmentation is an essential strategy for any ecommerce business aiming to create relevant and personalized customer interactions. 

Instead of broadcasting the same message to all customers, segmentation allows businesses to tailor communications based on customer behaviors, demographics, purchase histories, and engagement levels. 

This approach directly improves the customer experience and leads to better results. 

According to HubSpot, personalized email marketing campaigns, driven by proper segmentation, can increase open rates by 30% and click throughs by 50%, showing clear benefits for brands that invest in data-driven strategies.

Klaviyo is particularly effective in this area, providing businesses with a platform to gather and analyze a variety of customer data.

This data is used to create highly specific customer segments that reflect the unique behaviors and preferences of individuals. 

Whether a customer has recently purchased, browsed, or abandoned their cart, these insights can be segmented and acted upon.

Segmentation in Klaviyo is multifaceted, covering different types of data:

  • Behavioral Data: This includes how customers interact with your website, such as viewing a product, clicking an ad, or abandoning a cart. These actions can be used to create segments that focus on highly relevant follow-ups, like showing a specific product in follow-up communications.
  • Transactional Data: Purchases and order histories are another key aspect. Klaviyo allows businesses to segment customers based on their purchasing patterns, such as high-value customers or frequent buyers.
  • Engagement Data: A vital but often overlooked area, engagement data focuses on how often a customer opens emails, clicks links, or engages with SMS campaigns. These segments are useful for creating re-engagement campaigns or rewarding loyal customers.

Incorporating dynamic on-site personalization through tools like Because adds another layer of sophistication. 

For example, imagine a customer who browses a product on your site but doesn’t purchase it. 

Instead of letting that customer walk away, you can use your Klaviyo data and Because to trigger a personalized message or offer the next time they visit, potentially leading to a conversion.

Core Segmentation Strategies in Klaviyo

To achieve maximum impact with your ecommerce marketing, understanding how to segment customers based on relevant data is critical. 

Klaviyo offers a range of powerful segmentation tools that allow you to categorize customers based on their behaviors, purchase history, and engagement with your brand. 

This makes it possible to deliver tailored content that matches the specific needs and actions of each customer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Behavioral Segmentation

One of the most valuable segmentation approaches is behavioral segmentation. 

Klaviyo calls these Custom Events. 

Segmenting based on Custom Events focuses on how customers interact with your site and products, which provides insight into their intent and preferences. 

For instance, if a customer views a product multiple times without purchasing, they may be interested but hesitant. 

Klaviyo allows you to create a segment for this behavior and then target those customers with personalized follow-up messages that address their potential concerns—such as highlighting limited availability or offering a small discount to encourage purchase. 

With the integration of Because, you can take this a step further by delivering these messages on-site. 

If a customer returns to your site, you can immediately show them a personalized banner featuring the product they previously viewed, increasing the likelihood of a purchase on that visit.

Purchase History Segmentation

Another critical segmentation strategy is purchase history segmentation, which focuses on past buying behavior. 

This allows you to group customers into categories like high-value buyers, frequent buyers, or those who’ve only made a single purchase. 

Once segmented, you can deliver tailored experiences that speak directly to their status with your brand. 

For example, high-value customers could receive loyalty program updates or exclusive offers that reflect their importance to your business, while one-time buyers might be targeted with incentives to make their next purchase. 

Because enhances this segmentation by dynamically adjusting what customers see based on their buying history, such as product recommendations based on prior purchases.

Engagement Segmentation

Engagement segmentation is another powerful tactic, particularly for email and SMS marketing. 

Klaviyo allows you to track how engaged your customers are with your marketing efforts—whether they frequently open emails, click on SMS links, or rarely interact at all. 

These insights allow you to create more nuanced re-engagement campaigns for customers who have become less active, or reward highly engaged customers with early access to sales or new products. 

Integrating Because’s dynamic capabilities, you can greet customers on-site with tailored messages reflecting their engagement level, such as displaying early access promotions to your most engaged segments.

With a deep understanding of your customers' behaviors, purchase habits, and engagement levels, Klaviyo segmentation—enhanced by Because—can provide a highly personalized experience that strengthens customer relationships and drives greater revenue.

Advanced Segmentation: Leveraging Lifecycle Data

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of ecommerce marketing, understanding where customers are in their lifecycle is essential. 

Lifecycle segmentation focuses on a customer’s journey with your brand—whether they’re a first-time visitor, a repeat buyer, or a dormant customer who hasn’t interacted in months. 

Each stage of the customer lifecycle presents different opportunities, and Klaviyo’s data-driven segmentation tools, paired with Because’s personalization, allow you to respond effectively to these changes.

New Customers

For new customers, the primary goal is often acquisition—convincing first-time visitors to make their first purchase or sign up for your newsletter. 

Klaviyo makes it easy to segment these new visitors and trigger actions like welcome email sequences or special pop-up offers encouraging them to take action.

Because can complement these efforts by displaying targeted on-site messages, such as personalized discounts or offers based on the products they’ve viewed. 

For example, if a new visitor lands on a product page but leaves without purchasing, the next time they return, Because can display a banner promoting a discount or highlighting product benefits tailored to that specific item, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Repeat Buyers

As customers transition into repeat buyers, the focus shifts to loyalty and retention. 

Klaviyo’s segmentation capabilities allow you to identify customers who have purchased multiple times and tailor your messaging to build long-term loyalty. 

Loyalty-building campaigns might include early access to sales, exclusive offers, or personalized product recommendations based on previous purchases. 

Because can enhance these efforts with personalized experiences, such as displaying loyalty points balances or suggesting complementary products on-site.

By seamlessly combining email and on-site personalization, businesses can ensure that their most valuable customers feel recognized and rewarded.

Win-Back Campaigns

Win-back campaigns are another key aspect of lifecycle segmentation. 

Many ecommerce brands struggle to re-engage customers who have gone dormant, but data-driven segmentation can help reverse this trend. 

Klaviyo makes it easy to identify customers who haven’t interacted with your brand in a specific time period—whether that’s 30 days, 90 days, or longer—and create segments to target them with special offers, reminders, or product updates. 

Because allows you to take this one step further by creating personalized experiences for these customers when they return to your site. 

For instance, if a previously engaged customer comes back after a period of inactivity, you can dynamically serve them a custom message or offer designed to reignite their interest and prompt a purchase.

Lifecycle segmentation provides ecommerce brands with a powerful framework to engage customers at every stage, from their first interaction with your brand to their eventual return after a period of inactivity. 

When combined with the personalization capabilities of Because, Klaviyo’s segmentation tools allow you to create a seamless experience that adapts to each customer’s unique journey, increasing retention and driving long-term value.

A/B Testing and Optimizing Segmented Campaigns

A/B testing is a cornerstone of continuous improvement in ecommerce marketing, allowing brands to identify which messages, offers, and designs resonate best with specific segments. 

According to Invesp, 60% of organizations find A/B testing to be highly valuable for optimizing their conversion rates

By splitting a customer group into multiple test cohorts and delivering varied content to each, businesses can gather actionable insights on what drives engagement and conversions.

For example, if you’re targeting a segment of repeat buyers, testing two different email subject lines—one emphasizing urgency and another promoting exclusivity—can reveal which tone is more effective. 

Klaviyo’s built-in A/B testing functionality allows businesses to test various elements, such as subject lines, email content, and even SMS messages, to refine their approach. 


But testing doesn’t stop at email campaigns. 

Because can extend A/B testing to the on-site experience, allowing brands to test messages, dynamic content blocks, or product recommendations across various customer segments. 

For instance, a clothing brand could test different product badges—such as “Best Seller” or “Limited Edition”—to see which drives more clicks and conversions for different customer groups. 

TomboyX, a high quality apparel brand, deployed A/B testing and experienced a 12% conversion lift on PDP.

Through continuous testing and optimization, brands can ensure that they are delivering the most relevant and effective experiences for each segment.

Ultimately, testing helps brands avoid the trap of assuming what works for one segment will work for all. 

The messaging that resonates with high-value buyers may be entirely different from what motivates new customers or dormant ones. 

Therefore, the insights gained from A/B testing should inform not only your future campaigns but also how you refine your customer segments. 

It’s essential to regularly review test results and make data-backed decisions about which segment rules to adjust or optimize. 

This approach allows businesses to keep their campaigns fresh and relevant while improving overall performance.

Personalization with Automated Triggers

Automated Flows in Klaviyo offer a powerful way to ensure that the right message reaches the right customer at the perfect moment. 

When paired with Because’s on-site personalization tools, you can create a dynamic experience that feels deeply individualized for each visitor. 

Automation removes much of the manual work, enabling brands to create quick responses based on customer behaviors.

Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is one of the most common triggers used in Klaviyo. 

When a customer adds items to their cart but leaves the site without completing the purchase, Klaviyo can automatically send a reminder email. 

However, integrating Because with this Flow enhances the experience further by creating a personalized on-site message when the customer returns to the website. 

A returning visitor could be greeted with a banner reminding them of their abandoned cart, potentially even offering an incentive like free shipping or a discount to encourage checkout. 

This intervention can drastically improve recovery rates for abandoned carts, as customers are met with immediate, relevant information that nudges them toward completing the purchase.

Post-purchase Engagement

Another valuable trigger is post-purchase engagement, which focuses on encouraging repeat purchases or upselling products. 

Klaviyo’s automated flows can send thank-you emails or recommend complementary products after a purchase. 

Adding Because into this equation means that when the customer returns to the site, they could see tailored suggestions based on their purchase history. 

For instance, a customer who buys running shoes might be shown sports apparel or accessories that match their purchase, with the suggestion appearing dynamically when they browse the site.

Win-Back Triggers

Additionally, win-back triggers are essential for re-engaging dormant customers. 

When customers haven’t interacted with your brand for a set amount of time, Klaviyo can automatically send an email offering a promotion to encourage them to return. 

Using Because, when these customers visit your site, you can dynamically greet them with personalized messages such as “We’ve missed you!” or showcase the products they previously browsed, helping to create a more welcoming and relevant experience.

Automated triggers like these streamline the process of delivering personalized experiences and ensure that your customers receive timely, relevant messages both via email and directly on your website. 

The combination of Klaviyo’s automation and Because’s personalization capabilities allow brands to cater to customer behaviors, creating a seamless experience that drives engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

Combining Klaviyo Segmentation and Because for Maximum Impact

When used together, Klaviyo’s segmentation capabilities and Because’s personalization platform offer a powerful toolkit for ecommerce businesses looking to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. 

While Klaviyo allows you to target customers with precision through email and SMS, Because takes those segments and applies personalization on your website, ensuring that every customer interaction is highly relevant.

Let’s take the example of a customer who frequently purchases skincare products but has recently shown interest in makeup. 

Klaviyo’s segmentation will identify this shift in behavior, allowing you to send targeted emails recommending specific makeup products. 

With Because’s no-code platform, you can easily update your ecommerce homepage to feature makeup products that align with the customer’s recent browsing history. 

This seamless integration ensures that your marketing doesn’t stop at the inbox but continues across the entire customer journey, making each touchpoint more impactful.

Here are a few other scenarios where this combination can significantly boost performance:

  • Seasonal Campaigns: If your Klaviyo segmentation has identified a group of customers who are highly responsive to seasonal promotions, you can use Because to display seasonal banners or promotions when they visit your site, creating a cohesive marketing campaign that spans multiple channels.
  • High-Value Customers: For customers identified as high-value, Because can highlight VIP benefits like exclusive offers, early access to sales, or loyalty rewards, further enhancing their experience and increasing the chances of repeat purchases.
  • Product-Specific Campaigns: If a segment in Klaviyo shows a strong interest in a specific category—such as electronics or apparel—Because can tailor the on-site experience by featuring products from that category front and center, ensuring maximum relevance.

In practice, combining segmentation and personalization leads to significant gains in key performance metrics. 

A report from Epsilon found that 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. 

By using Klaviyo to fine-tune your segments and Because to deliver these experiences, ecommerce businesses can expect not only higher engagement but also a lift in conversion rates, average order values, and customer retention.

Through continuous optimization and testing, this combination of email, SMS, and on-site personalization creates a feedback loop where customer data improves personalization, and personalized experiences drive more data. 

Ultimately, this integrated approach helps ecommerce brands build stronger relationships with customers, offering an experience that is not just relevant but deeply personal, leading to long-term success and growth.

Boost Ecommerce Success with Data-Driven Segmentation

Mastering data-driven segmentation in Klaviyo is key to unlocking more personalized and effective marketing for ecommerce brands. 

By utilizing customer behaviors, purchase histories, and engagement patterns, businesses can create highly targeted segments that deliver tailored content across email, SMS, and on-site experiences. 

The combination of Klaviyo’s segmentation capabilities and Because’s dynamic on-site personalization ensures that every interaction feels relevant and timely, driving higher engagement, conversions, and long-term customer loyalty.

Incorporating segmentation and personalization into your marketing strategy leads to measurable results. 

Research shows that personalized campaigns can increase revenue by up to 20%, demonstrating the tangible benefits of delivering the right message at the right time to the right customer. 

By continually refining segments through A/B testing and lifecycle data, brands can optimize their marketing efforts, turning every customer touchpoint into an opportunity to build stronger relationships and boost sales.

Ultimately, businesses that invest in data-driven segmentation not only see improvements in key performance metrics like conversion rates and customer retention but also gain a deeper understanding of their customers. 

This insight allows brands to stay ahead of their competition and meet customer needs, leading to sustained growth and a better overall ecommerce experience.

If you’re interested in seeing how segmentation can skyrocket your ecommerce sales, head on over to Because to sign up for a free demo!

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