Because's Product Recommendation feature is a new powerful way to increase Average Order Value and Revenue while creating an even more personalized shopping experience on your Shopify store.

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our game-changing feature: Product Recommendations. 

This powerful feature empowers Shopify merchants to effortlessly create and display targeted product suggestions throughout their store, significantly enhancing the shopping experience and unlocking new revenue potential.

You can find Product Recommendations in your existing Because setup, allowing you to leverage your store's data to present personalized product suggestions to your customers. 

Whether you're looking to cross-sell complementary items, upsell premium products, or simply guide customers to discover more of your catalog, Product Recommendations has got you covered.

Key Features

Let's dive deeper into the key features that make Product Recommendations a game-changer for your Shopify store:

1. Display Curated Product Recommendations Across Your Store

Product Recommendations allows you to strategically place tailored product suggestions throughout your customer's journey:

  • Product Pages: Showcase complementary items or accessories that pair well with the product being viewed. For example, suggest a matching hat when a customer is looking at a shirt.
  • Cart Page: Encourage last-minute additions with relevant suggestions based on the items already in the cart, potentially increasing your average order value.

This multi-touchpoint approach ensures that customers are exposed to relevant recommendations at every stage of their shopping experience, maximizing the chances of additional purchases.

2. User-Friendly Interface for Easy Setup and Management

We've designed the Product Recommendations interface with simplicity and efficiency in mind:

  • Intuitive Dashboard: Access all recommendation campaigns from your Because dashboard, making it easy to get an overview of your active and planned recommendations.
  • Step-by-Step Creation Process: Our guided setup process walks you through each stage of creating a recommendation, from selecting products to setting display rules. Start in the Editor, then create your display rules, and then review everything in the overview. 
  • Search and Filter: Quickly find the products you want to recommend using our powerful search and filter capabilities, searching by either Collection or Tag. 

With these user-friendly features, you can set up and manage sophisticated recommendation campaigns without any technical expertise.

3. Customizable Design Options for Perfect Theme Alignment

Ensure your product recommendations look like a natural part of your store with our extensive customization options:

  • Theme-Matching Styles: Automatically inherit your store's font styles, colors, and button designs for a seamless look.
  • Custom CSS: For more advanced users, apply custom CSS to fine-tune the appearance of your recommendations.
  • Responsive Design: All recommendations are fully responsive, ensuring they look great on any device.

These design options allow you to create recommendations that enhance your store's aesthetic rather than disrupt it.

5. Flexible Scheduling and Display Rules for Targeted Recommendations

Create dynamic, context-aware recommendations that respond to various factors:

  • Time-Based Rules: Schedule recommendations to appear during specific date ranges, perfect for seasonal promotions or limited-time offers. Simply select the dates that you want to schedule the campaign: 
  • Customer Segment Rules: Show different recommendations based on customer traits like purchase history or loyalty status. This data can pull directly from your Klaviyo data. For example, brands can show different content based on the zero party data collected in an OctaneAI or Digioh quiz.

Take a close look at the page below: 

You can see in the top banner that the messaging notes "New to haircare bars? Take our 2 min quiz!"

This message only shows to those that have not taken the quiz, because Ethique has created specific targeting rules in Because based on the Klaviyo segment for those that have not completed a quiz:

However, those that have completed the quiz will get their personalized recommendation based on their quiz results in the top banner: 

This is based on the Because targeting based on Klaviyo rules: 

  • Cart-Based Rules: Adjust recommendations based on the current cart value or contents, such as suggesting products to reach a free shipping threshold.

These sophisticated rules ensure that your recommendations are always relevant and timely.

6. Personalizing Recommendations with Zero-Party Data

If you use a quiz to capture emails and customer data, you can create product recommendations that are truly tailored to each customer's specific needs, challenges, and goals.

Here are some ways you can use this data:

Customer Segment-Based Recommendations

Use quiz results to segment customers (e.g., skin type for a beauty brand, or fitness level for a supplements brand). Then display recommendations that are most relevant to each segment.

For example, a customer who identified as having dry skin in an Octane AI quiz might see recommendations for moisturizing products.

Goal-Oriented Recommendations

Suggest products that align with the customer's stated goals.

In this case, if a customer indicated they're training for a marathon, recommend energy gels and recovery products.

Challenge-Solving Recommendations

Address specific pain points or challenges the customer has shared.

For a customer who mentioned struggles with sleeplessness, prioritize recommendations for sleep-aid products.

Preference-Aligned Recommendations

Tailor recommendations based on style preferences, flavor choices, or other personal tastes.

A customer who expressed a preference for bold flavors might see recommendations for spicier food products.

In creating your targeting in Because, you would set up the targeting for any contact that has "Completed Quiz" and also has the custom property that is an appropriate upsell.

Here's an example for someone who noted they have "fine hair" in their quiz: 

7. Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Replenishment Reminders and Product Recommendations

One of the most powerful applications of our Product Recommendations feature is the ability to create smart replenishment reminders.

This feature is particularly valuable for consumable products that customers need to repurchase regularly.

Understanding Replenishment Cycles

For products like TB12 recovery Electrolytes, knowing the typical usage pattern is key to creating effective replenishment reminders.

In this case, let's assume that a single container of TB12 recovery Electrolytes typically lasts for 30 days when used as recommended.

Because allows you to refine your replenishment reminders based on individual customer data:

  1. Purchase History: Adjust timing based on each customer's actual purchase frequency.
  2. Customer Preferences: Use Zero-Party Data to tailor the message (e.g., athletes in training might need more frequent replenishment).
    1. Estimated Replenishment Cycle: Some products don't have specific time frames, like a bottle of shampoo. In this case, you can estimate based on the purchase date, and include a replenishment reminder at an appropriate time.

Implementing smart replenishment reminders can have a significant impact on your business:

  • Increased Repeat Purchases: Customers are more likely to repurchase when reminded at the right time.
  • Higher Customer Lifetime Value: Regular replenishment and successful upsells boost overall customer value.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Timely reminders help customers maintain their routines without interruption.
  • Reduced Customer Churn: By staying engaged with customers through their product lifecycle, you reduce the chance of them switching to competitors.

By leveraging Because's Product Recommendations for replenishment reminders, you're not just driving sales – you're providing a valuable service to your customers, helping them maintain their routines and achieve their goals.

This approach transforms transactional interactions into a continuous, value-driven relationship with your brand.

Benefits of Product Recommendations

Implementing Product Recommendations can have a significant positive impact on your Shopify store's performance. 

Here are some specific benefits you can expect:

Increased Average Order Value (AOV):

By suggesting relevant, complementary products, you encourage customers to add more items to their cart.

Boosted Revenue:

With higher AOV and increased conversion rates, overall revenue typically sees a substantial lift.

Improve Conversion Rate:

Product recommendations can  improve conversion rates by leveraging Klaviyo data to offer highly personalized suggestions at the most effective points in the customer journey. Unlike generic, algorithm-driven recommendations, this feature allows you to target and display the exact products that will motivate customers—whether it's recommending an item to cross the free shipping threshold or offering a product tailored to quiz responses like curly hair care—using real customer data such as loyalty, subscription, purchase history, and cart contents, all without the need for developer involvement.

Improved Customer Experience:

Personalized recommendations help customers discover products they might have otherwise missed.

A smoother, more tailored shopping experience leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Product Discovery:

Showcase your full product range, helping customers explore your catalog more thoroughly.

Increase the visibility of new or underperforming products by featuring them in recommendations.

Data-Driven Insights:

Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and purchasing behaviors.

Use A/B testing to continually refine and optimize your recommendation strategy.

With Because's Product Recommendations, you're not just adding a new feature to your store – you're implementing a proven strategy to drive growth, enhance customer experience, and maximize the value of every visit to your Shopify store.

Want to test Product Recommendations on your store to increase your revenue? 

Book your demo and start your free trial today! 

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